Source code for rascal.calibrator

import itertools
import logging

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from scipy import interpolate
from tqdm.autonotebook import tqdm

from .util import load_calibration_lines
from .util import _derivative
from .util import gauss
from .util import vacuum_to_air_wavelength
from . import models
from .houghtransform import HoughTransform

[docs]class Calibrator: def __init__(self, peaks, spectrum=None): ''' Initialise the calibrator object. Parameters ---------- peaks: list List of identified arc line pixel values. spectrum: list The spectral intensity as a function of pixel. ''' self.logger = None self.log_level = None self.peaks = peaks self.spectrum = spectrum self.matplotlib_imported = False self.plotly_imported = False self.plot_with_matplotlib = False self.plot_with_plotly = False self.atlas_elements = [] self.atlas = [] self.atlas_intensities = [] self.pix_known = None self.wave_known = None self.hough_lines = None self.hough_points = None = HoughTransform() # calibrator_properties self.num_pix = None self.pixel_list = None self.plotting_library = None # hough_properties self.num_slopes = None self.xbins = None self.ybins = None self.min_wavelength = None self.max_wavelength = None self.range_tolerance = None self.linearity_tolerance = None # ransac_properties self.sample_size = None self.top_n_candidate = None self.linear = None self.filter_close = None self.ransac_tolerance = None self.candidate_weighted = None self.hough_weight = None self.minimum_matches = None self.minimum_peak_utilisation = None self.minimum_fit_error = None # results self.matched_peaks = None self.matched_atlas = None self.fit_coeff = None self.set_calibrator_properties() self.set_hough_properties() self.set_ransac_properties() def _import_matplotlib(self): ''' Call to import matplotlib. ''' try: global plt import matplotlib.pyplot as plt self.matplotlib_imported = True except ImportError: self.logger.error('matplotlib package not available.') def _import_plotly(self): ''' Call to import plotly. ''' try: global go global pio global psp import plotly.graph_objects as go import as pio import plotly.subplots as psp self.plotly_imported = True pio.templates["CN"] = go.layout.Template(layout_colorway=[ '#1f77b4', '#ff7f0e', '#2ca02c', '#d62728', '#9467bd', '#8c564b', '#e377c2', '#7f7f7f', '#bcbd22', '#17becf' ]) # setting Google color palette as default pio.templates.default = "CN" except ImportError: self.logger.error('plotly package not available.') def _generate_pairs(self, candidate_tolerance, constrain_poly): ''' Generate pixel-wavelength pairs without the allowed regions set by the linearity limit. This assumes a relatively linear spectrograph. Parameters ---------- candidate_tolerance: float (default: 10) toleranceold (Angstroms) for considering a point to be an inlier during candidate peak/line selection. This should be reasonable small as we want to search for candidate points which are *locally* linear. constrain_poly: boolean Apply a polygonal constraint on possible peak/atlas pairs ''' pairs = [pair for pair in itertools.product(self.peaks, self.atlas)] if constrain_poly: # Remove pairs outside polygon valid_area = Delaunay([ (0, self.max_intercept + candidate_tolerance), (0, self.min_intercept - candidate_tolerance), (self.pixel_list.max(), self.max_wavelength - self.range_tolerance - candidate_tolerance), (self.pixel_list.max(), self.max_wavelength + self.range_tolerance + candidate_tolerance) ]) mask = (valid_area.find_simplex(pairs) >= 0) self.pairs = np.array(pairs)[mask] else: self.pairs = np.array(pairs) def _merge_candidates(self, candidates): ''' Merge two candidate lists. Parameters ---------- candidates: list list containing pixel-wavelength pairs. ''' merged = [] for pairs in candidates: for pair in np.array(pairs).T: merged.append(pair) return np.sort(np.array(merged)) def _get_most_common_candidates(self, candidates, top_n_candidate, weighted): ''' Takes a number of candidate pair sets and returns the most common pair for each wavelength Parameters ---------- candidates: list of list(float, float) A list of list of peak/line pairs top_n_candidate: int Top ranked lines to be fitted. weighted: boolean If True, the distance from the atlas wavelength will be used to compute the probilitiy based on how far it is from the Gaussian distribution from the known line. ''' peaks = [] wavelengths = [] probabilities = [] for candidate in candidates: peaks.extend(candidate[0]) wavelengths.extend(candidate[1]) probabilities.extend(candidate[2]) peaks = np.array(peaks) wavelengths = np.array(wavelengths) probabilities = np.array(probabilities) out_peaks = [] out_wavelengths = [] for peak in np.unique(peaks): idx = np.where(peaks == peak) if len(idx) > 0: wavelengths_matched = wavelengths[idx] if weighted: counts = probabilities[idx] else: counts = np.ones_like(probabilities[idx]) n = int( min(top_n_candidate, len(np.unique(wavelengths_matched)))) unique_wavelengths = np.unique(wavelengths_matched) aggregated_count = np.zeros_like(unique_wavelengths) for j, w in enumerate(unique_wavelengths): idx_j = np.where(wavelengths_matched == w) aggregated_count[j] = np.sum(counts[idx_j]) out_peaks.extend([peak] * n) out_wavelengths.extend( wavelengths_matched[np.argsort(-aggregated_count)[:n]]) return out_peaks, out_wavelengths def _get_candidate_points_linear(self, candidate_tolerance): ''' Returns a list of peak/wavelengths pairs which agree with the fit (wavelength - gradient * x + intercept) < tolerance Note: depending on the tolerance set, one peak may match with multiple wavelengths. Parameters ---------- candidate_tolerance: float (default: 10) tolerance (Angstroms) for considering a point to be an inlier during candidate peak/line selection. This should be reasonable small as we want to search for candidate points which are *locally* linear. ''' # Locate candidate points for these lines fits self.candidates = [] for line in self.hough_lines: gradient, intercept = line predicted = (gradient * self.pairs[:, 0] + intercept) actual = self.pairs[:, 1] diff = np.abs(predicted - actual) mask = (diff <= candidate_tolerance) # Match the range_tolerance to 1.1775 s.d. to match the FWHM # Note that the pairs outside of the range_tolerance were already # removed in an earlier stage weight = gauss(actual[mask], 1., predicted[mask], (self.range_tolerance + self.linearity_tolerance) * 1.1775) self.candidates.append((self.pairs[:, 0][mask], actual[mask], weight)) def _get_candidate_points_poly(self, candidate_tolerance): ''' **EXPERIMENTAL** Returns a list of peak/wavelengths pairs which agree with the fit (wavelength - gradient * x + intercept) < tolerance Note: depending on the toleranceold set, one peak may match with multiple wavelengths. Parameters ---------- candidate_tolerance: float (default: 10) toleranceold (Angstroms) for considering a point to be an inlier during candidate peak/line selection. This should be reasonable small as we want to search for candidate points which are *locally* linear. ''' if self.fit_coeff is None: raise ValueError( 'A guess solution for a polynomial fit has to ' 'be provided as fit_coeff in fit() in order to generate ' 'candidates for RANSAC sampling.') x_match = [] y_match = [] w_match = [] self.candidates = [] for p in self.peaks: x0 = self.polyval(p, self.fit_coeff) diff = np.abs(self.atlas - x0) x = np.array(self.atlas)[diff < candidate_tolerance] weight = gauss(x, 1., x0, self.range_tolerance) for y, w in zip(x, weight): x_match.append(p) y_match.append(y) w_match.append(w) x_match = np.array(x_match) y_match = np.array(y_match) w_match = np.array(w_match) self.candidates.append((x_match, y_match, w_match)) def _match_bijective(self, candidates, peaks, fit_coeff): ''' Internal function used to return a list of inliers with a one-to-one relationship between peaks and wavelengths. This is critical as often we have several potential candidate lines for each peak. This function first iterates through each peak and selects the wavelength with the smallest error. It then iterates through this list and does the same for duplicate wavelengths. parameters ---------- candidates: dict match candidates, internal to ransac peaks: list list of peaks [px] fit_coeff: list polynomial fit coefficients ''' err = [] matched_x = [] matched_y = [] for peak in peaks: fit = self.polyval(peak, fit_coeff) # Get closest match for this peak errs = np.abs(fit - candidates[peak]) idx = np.argmin(errs) err.append(errs[idx]) matched_x.append(peak) matched_y.append(candidates[peak][idx]) err = np.array(err) matched_x = np.array(matched_x) matched_y = np.array(matched_y) # Now we also need to resolve duplicate y's filtered_x = [] filtered_y = [] filtered_err = [] for wavelength in np.unique(matched_y): mask = matched_y == wavelength filtered_y.append(wavelength) err_idx = np.argmin(err[mask]) filtered_x.append(matched_x[mask][err_idx]) filtered_err.append(err[mask][err_idx]) # overwrite err = np.array(filtered_err) matched_x = np.array(filtered_x) matched_y = np.array(filtered_y) return err, matched_x, matched_y def _solve_candidate_ransac(self, fit_deg, fit_coeff, max_tries, candidate_tolerance, brute_force, progress): ''' Use RANSAC to sample the parameter space and give best guess Parameters ---------- fit_deg: int The order of polynomial. fit_coeff: None or 1D numpy array Initial polynomial fit fit_coefficients. max_tries: int Number of trials of polynomial fitting. candidate_tolerance: float toleranceold (Angstroms) for considering a point to be an inlier during candidate peak/line selection. This should be reasonable small as we want to search for candidate points which are *locally* linear. brute_force: boolean Solve all pixel-wavelength combinations with set to True. progress: boolean Show the progress bar with tdqm if set to True. Returns ------- best_p: list A list of size fit_deg of the best fit polynomial fit_coefficient. best_err: float Arithmetic mean of the residuals. sum(best_inliers): int Number of lines fitted within the ransac_tolerance. valid_solution: boolean False if overfitted. ''' if self.linear: self._get_candidate_points_linear(candidate_tolerance) else: self._get_candidate_points_poly(candidate_tolerance) self.candidate_peak, self.candidate_arc =\ self._get_most_common_candidates( self.candidates, top_n_candidate=self.top_n_candidate, weighted=self.candidate_weighted) self.fit_deg = fit_deg valid_solution = False best_p = None best_cost = 1e50 best_err = 1e50 best_mask = [False] best_residual = None best_inliers = 0 # Note that there may be multiple matches for # each peak, that is len(x) > len(np.unique(x)) x = np.array(self.candidate_peak) y = np.array(self.candidate_arc) # Filter close wavelengths if self.filter_close: unique_y = np.unique(y) idx = np.argwhere( unique_y[1:] - unique_y[0:-1] < 3 * self.ransac_tolerance) separation_mask = np.argwhere((y == unique_y[idx]).sum(0) == 0) y = y[separation_mask].flatten() x = x[separation_mask].flatten() # If the number of lines is smaller than the number of degree of # polynomial fit, return failed fit. if len(np.unique(x)) <= self.fit_deg: return (best_p, best_err, sum(best_mask), 0, False) # Brute force check all combinations. If the request sample_size is # the same or larger than the available lines, it is essentially a # brute force. if brute_force or (self.sample_size >= len(np.unique(x))): idx = range(len(x)) sampler = itertools.combinations(idx, self.sample_size) self.sample_size = len(np.unique(x)) else: sampler = range(int(max_tries)) if progress: sampler_list = tqdm(sampler) else: sampler_list = sampler peaks = np.sort(np.unique(x)) idx = range(len(peaks)) # Build a key(pixel)-value(wavelength) dictionary from the candidates candidates = {} for p in np.unique(x): candidates[p] = y[x == p] if is not None: xbin_size = ([1] -[0]) / 2. ybin_size = ([1] -[0]) / 2. if np.isfinite(self.hough_weight): twoditp = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline([1:] - xbin_size,[1:] - ybin_size, else: twoditp = None # Calculate initial error given pre-existing fit if fit_coeff is not None: err, _, _ = self._match_bijective(candidates, peaks, fit_coeff) best_cost = sum(err) best_err = np.sqrt(np.mean(err**2.)) # The histogram is fixed, so pre-computed outside the loop if not brute_force: # weight the probability of choosing the sample by the inverse # line density h = np.histogram(peaks, bins=10) prob = 1. / h[0][np.digitize(peaks, h[1], right=True) - 1] prob = prob / np.sum(prob) for sample in sampler_list: keep_trying = True self.logger.debug(sample) while keep_trying: stop_n_candidateow = False if brute_force: x_hat = x[[sample]] y_hat = y[[sample]] else: # Pick some random peaks x_hat = np.random.choice(peaks, self.sample_size, replace=False, p=prob) y_hat = [] # Pick a random wavelength for this x for _x in x_hat: y_choice = candidates[_x] # Avoid picking a y that's already associated with # another x if not set(y_choice).issubset(set(y_hat)): y_temp = np.random.choice(y_choice) while y_temp in y_hat: y_temp = np.random.choice(y_choice) y_hat.append(y_temp) else: self.logger.debug('Not possible to draw a unique ' 'set of atlas wavelengths.') stop_n_candidateow = True break if stop_n_candidateow: break # insert user given known pairs if self.pix_known is not None: x_hat = np.concatenate((x_hat, self.pix_known)) y_hat = np.concatenate((y_hat, self.wave_known)) # Try to fit the data. # This doesn't need to be robust, it's an exact fit. fit_coeffs = self.polyfit(x_hat, y_hat, self.fit_deg) # Check the intercept. if ((fit_coeffs[0] < self.min_intercept) | (fit_coeffs[0] > self.max_intercept)): self.logger.debug('Intercept exceeds bounds.') continue # Check monotonicity. pix_min = peaks[0] - np.ptp(peaks) * 0.2 pix_max = peaks[-1] + np.ptp(peaks) * 0.2 self.logger.debug((pix_min, pix_max)) if not np.all( np.diff( self.polyval(np.arange(pix_min, pix_max, 1), fit_coeffs)) > 0): self.logger.debug( 'Solution is not monotonically increasing.') continue # Compute error and filter out many-to-one matches err, matched_x, matched_y = self._match_bijective( candidates, peaks, fit_coeffs) if len(matched_x) == 0: continue # M-SAC Estimator (Torr and Zisserman, 1996) err[err > self.ransac_tolerance] = self.ransac_tolerance # use the Hough space density as weights for the cost function wave = self.polyval(self.pixel_list, fit_coeffs) gradient = self.polyval(self.pixel_list, _derivative(fit_coeffs)) intercept = wave - gradient * self.pixel_list # modified cost function weighted by the Hough space density if (self.hough_weight is not None) & (twoditp is not None): weight = self.hough_weight * np.sum( twoditp(intercept, gradient, grid=False)) else: weight = 1. cost = sum(err) / (len(err) - len(fit_coeffs) + 1) / (weight + 1e-9) # reject lines outside the rms limit (ransac_tolerance) best_mask = err < self.ransac_tolerance n_inliers = sum(best_mask) self.matched_peaks = matched_x[best_mask] self.matched_atlas = matched_y[best_mask] if len(self.matched_peaks) <= self.fit_deg: self.logger.debug('Too few good candidates for fitting.') continue # Want the most inliers with the lowest error if (cost <= best_cost): # Now we do a robust fit try: best_p = models.robust_polyfit(self.matched_peaks, self.matched_atlas, self.fit_deg) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: self.logger.warning( "Linear algebra error in robust fit") continue # Get the residual of the fit err = self.polyval(self.matched_peaks, best_p) - self.matched_atlas err[np.abs(err) > self.ransac_tolerance] = self.ransac_tolerance best_err = np.sqrt(np.mean(err**2)) best_residual = err best_inliers = n_inliers if best_inliers < self.minimum_matches: self.logger.debug( 'Not enough matched peaks for valid solution, ' 'user specified {}.'.format(self.minimum_matches)) continue if best_inliers < self.minimum_peak_utilisation * len( self.peaks): self.logger.debug( 'Not enough matched peaks for valid solution, ' 'user specified {:1.2f} %.'.format( 100 * self.minimum_matches)) continue # Make sure that we don't accept fits with zero error if best_err > self.minimum_fit_error: best_cost = cost if progress: sampler_list.set_description( 'Most inliers: {:d}, ' 'best error: {:1.4f}'.format( n_inliers, best_err)) if n_inliers == len(peaks): """ all peaks matched """ break keep_trying = False # Overfit check if best_inliers == self.fit_deg + 1: valid_solution = False else: valid_solution = True return best_p, best_err, best_residual, best_inliers, valid_solution def _adjust_polyfit(self, delta, fit, tolerance, min_frac): ''' **EXPERIMENTAL** Parameters ---------- delta: list or numpy.ndarray The first n polynomial coefficients to be shifted by delta. fit: list or numpy.ndarray The polynomial coefficients. tolerance: float The maximum difference between fit and atlas to be accounted for the best fit. min_frac: float The minimum fraction of lines to be used. Return ------ lsq: float The least squared value of the fit. ''' # x is wavelength # x_matched is pixel x_matched = [] # y_matched is wavelength y_matched = [] fit_new = fit.copy() for i, d in enumerate(delta): fit_new[i] += d for p in self.peaks: x = self.polyval(p, fit_new) diff = self.atlas - x diff_abs = np.abs(diff) idx = np.argmin(diff_abs) if diff_abs[idx] < tolerance: x_matched.append(p) y_matched.append(self.atlas[idx]) x_matched = np.array(x_matched) y_matched = np.array(y_matched) dof = len(x_matched) - len(fit_new) - 1 if dof < 1: return np.inf if len(x_matched) < len(self.peaks) * min_frac: return np.inf if not np.all( np.diff(self.polyval(np.sort(self.pixel_list), fit_new)) > 0):'not monotonic') return np.inf lsq = np.sum((y_matched - self.polyval(x_matched, fit_new))**2.) / dof return lsq
[docs] def which_plotting_library(self): ''' Call to show if the Calibrator is using matplotlib or plotly library (or neither). ''' if self.plot_with_matplotlib:'Using matplotlib.') return 'matplotlib' elif self.plot_with_plotly:'Using plotly.') return 'plotly' else: self.logger.warning('Neither maplotlib nor plotly are imported.') return None
[docs] def use_matplotlib(self): ''' Call to switch to matplotlib. ''' if not self.matplotlib_imported: self._import_matplotlib() self.plot_with_matplotlib = True self.plot_with_plotly = False
[docs] def use_plotly(self): ''' Call to switch to plotly. ''' if not self.plotly_imported: self._import_plotly() self.plot_with_plotly = True self.plot_with_matplotlib = False
[docs] def set_calibrator_properties(self, num_pix=None, pixel_list=None, plotting_library=None, seed=None, logger_name='Calibrator', log_level='warning'): ''' Initialise the calibrator object. Parameters ---------- num_pix: int Number of pixels in the spectral axis. pixel_list: list pixel value of the of the spectrum, this is only needed if the spectrum spans multiple detector arrays. plotting_library: string (default: 'matplotlib') Choose between matplotlib and plotly. seed: int Set an optional seed for random number generators. If used, this parameter must be set prior to calling RANSAC. Useful for deterministic debugging. logger_name: string (default: 'Calibrator') The name of the logger. It can use an existing logger if a matching name is provided. log_level: string (default: 'info') Choose {critical, error, warning, info, debug, notset}. ''' # initialise the logger self.logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) level = logging.getLevelName(log_level.upper()) logging.basicConfig(level=level) self.log_level = level formatter = logging.Formatter( '[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s [%(filename)s:%(lineno)d] ' '%(message)s', datefmt='%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S') handler = logging.StreamHandler() handler.setFormatter(formatter) self.logger.addHandler(handler) # set the num_pix if num_pix is not None: self.num_pix = num_pix elif self.num_pix is None: try: self.num_pix = len(self.spectrum) except Exception as e: self.logger.warning(e) self.logger.warning('Neither num_pix nor spectrum is given, ' 'it uses 1.1 times max(peaks) as the ' 'maximum pixel value.') self.num_pix = 1.1 * max(self.peaks) else: pass'num_pix is set to {}.'.format(num_pix)) # set the pixel_list if pixel_list is not None: self.pixel_list = np.asarray(pixel_list) elif self.pixel_list is None: self.pixel_list = np.arange(self.num_pix) else: pass'pixel_list is set to {}.'.format(pixel_list)) # map the list position to the pixel value self.pix_to_rawpix = interpolate.interp1d( self.pixel_list, np.arange(len(self.pixel_list))) if seed is not None: np.random.seed(seed) # if the plotting library is supplied if plotting_library is not None: # set the plotting library self.plotting_library = plotting_library # if the plotting library is not supplied but the calibrator does not # know which library to use yet. elif self.plotting_library is None: self.plotting_library = 'matplotlib' # everything is good else: pass # check the choice of plotting library is available and used. if self.plotting_library == 'matplotlib': self.use_matplotlib()'Plotting with matplotlib.') elif self.plotting_library == 'plotly': self.use_plotly()'Plotting with plotly.') else: self.logger.warning( 'Unknown plotting_library, please choose from ' 'matplotlib or plotly. Execute use_matplotlib() or ' 'use_plotly() to manually select the library.')
[docs] def set_hough_properties(self, num_slopes=None, xbins=None, ybins=None, min_wavelength=None, max_wavelength=None, range_tolerance=None, linearity_tolerance=None): ''' parameters ---------- num_slopes: int (default: 1000) Number of slopes to consider during Hough transform xbins: int (default: 50) Number of bins for Hough accumulation ybins: int (default: 50) Number of bins for Hough accumulation min_wavelength: float (default: 3000) Minimum wavelength of the spectrum. max_wavelength: float (default: 9000) Maximum wavelength of the spectrum. range_tolerance: float (default: 500) Estimation of the error on the provided spectral range e.g. 3000-5000 with tolerance 500 will search for solutions that may satisfy 2500-5500 linearity_tolerance: float (default: 100) A toleranceold (Ansgtroms) which defines some padding around the range tolerance to allow for non-linearity. This should be the maximum expected excursion from linearity. ''' # set the num_slopes if num_slopes is not None: self.num_slopes = int(num_slopes) elif self.num_slopes is None: self.num_slopes = 2000 else: pass # set the xbins if xbins is not None: self.xbins = xbins elif self.xbins is None: self.xbins = 100 else: pass # set the ybins if ybins is not None: self.ybins = ybins elif self.ybins is None: self.ybins = 100 else: pass # set the min_wavelength if min_wavelength is not None: self.min_wavelength = min_wavelength elif self.min_wavelength is None: self.min_wavelength = 3000 else: pass # set the max_wavelength if max_wavelength is not None: self.max_wavelength = max_wavelength elif self.max_wavelength is None: self.max_wavelength = 9000 else: pass # Set the range_tolerance if range_tolerance is not None: self.range_tolerance = range_tolerance elif self.range_tolerance is None: self.range_tolerance = 500 else: pass # Set the linearity_tolerance if linearity_tolerance is not None: self.linearity_tolerance = linearity_tolerance elif self.linearity_tolerance is None: self.linearity_tolerance = 100 else: pass # Start wavelength in the spectrum, +/- some tolerance self.min_intercept = self.min_wavelength - self.range_tolerance self.max_intercept = self.min_wavelength + self.range_tolerance self.min_slope = ((self.max_wavelength - self.range_tolerance - self.linearity_tolerance) - (self.min_intercept + self.range_tolerance + self.linearity_tolerance)) / self.pixel_list.max() self.max_slope = ((self.max_wavelength + self.range_tolerance + self.linearity_tolerance) - (self.min_intercept - self.range_tolerance - self.linearity_tolerance)) / self.pixel_list.max()
[docs] def set_ransac_properties(self, sample_size=None, top_n_candidate=None, linear=None, filter_close=None, ransac_tolerance=None, candidate_weighted=None, hough_weight=None, minimum_matches=None, minimum_peak_utilisation=None, minimum_fit_error=None): ''' Configure the Calibrator. This may require some manual twiddling before the calibrator can work efficiently. However, in theory, a large max_tries in fit() should provide a good solution in the expense of performance (minutes instead of seconds). Parameters ---------- sample_size: int (default: 5) Number of samples used for fitting, this is automatically set to the polynomial degree + 1, but a larger value can be specified here. top_n_candidate: int (default: 5) Top ranked lines to be fitted. linear: boolean (default: True) True to use the hough transformed gradient, otherwise, use the known polynomial. filter_close: boolean (default: False) Remove the pairs that are out of bounds in the hough space. ransac_tolerance: float (default: 1) The distance criteria (Angstroms) to be considered an inlier to a fit. This should be close to the size of the expected residuals on the final fit (e.g. 1A is typical) candidate_weighted: boolean (default: True) Set to True to down-weight pairs that are far from the fit. hough_weight: float or None (default: 1.0) Set to use the hough space to weigh the fit. The theoretical optimal weighting is unclear. The larger the value, the heavily it relies on the overdensity in the hough space for a good fit. minimum_matches: int or None (default: 0) Set to only accept fit solutions with a minimum number of matches. Setting this will prevent the fitting function from accepting spurious low-error fits. minimum_peak_utilisation: int or None (default: 0) Set to only accept fit solutions with a fraction of matches. This option is convenient if you don't want to specify an absolute number of atlas lines. Range is 0 - 1 inclusive. minimum_fit_error: float or None (default: 1e-4) Set to only accept fits with a minimum error. This avoids accepting "perfect" fit solutions with zero errors. However if you have an extremely good system, you may want to set this tolerance lower. ''' # Setting the sample_size if sample_size is not None: self.sample_size = sample_size elif self.sample_size is None: self.sample_size = 5 else: pass # Set top_n_candidate if top_n_candidate is not None: self.top_n_candidate = top_n_candidate elif self.top_n_candidate is None: self.top_n_candidate = 5 else: pass # Set linear if linear is not None: self.linear = linear elif self.linear is None: self.linear = True else: pass # Set to filter closely spaced lines if filter_close is not None: self.filter_close = filter_close elif self.filter_close is None: self.filter_close = False else: pass # Set the ransac_tolerance if ransac_tolerance is not None: self.ransac_tolerance = ransac_tolerance elif self.ransac_tolerance is None: self.ransac_tolerance = 5 else: pass # Set to weigh the candidate pairs by the density (pixel) if candidate_weighted is not None: self.candidate_weighted = candidate_weighted elif self.candidate_weighted is None: self.candidate_weighted = True else: pass # Set the multiplier of the weight of the hough density if hough_weight is not None: self.hough_weight = hough_weight elif self.hough_weight is None: self.hough_weight = 1.0 else: pass # Set the minimum number of desired matches if minimum_matches is not None: assert minimum_matches > 0 self.minimum_matches = minimum_matches elif self.minimum_matches is None: self.minimum_matches = 0 else: pass # Set the minimum utilisation required if minimum_peak_utilisation is not None: assert (minimum_peak_utilisation >= 0 and minimum_peak_utilisation <= 1.0) self.minimum_peak_utilisation = minimum_peak_utilisation elif self.minimum_peak_utilisation is None: self.minimum_peak_utilisation = 0 else: pass # Set the minimum fit error if minimum_fit_error is not None: assert minimum_fit_error >= 0 self.minimum_fit_error = minimum_fit_error elif self.minimum_fit_error is None: self.minimum_fit_error = 1e-4 else: pass
[docs] def add_atlas(self, elements, min_atlas_wavelength=None, max_atlas_wavelength=None, min_intensity=10., min_distance=10., candidate_tolerance=10., constrain_poly=False, vacuum=False, pressure=101325., temperature=273.15, relative_humidity=0.): ''' Adds an atlas of arc lines to the calibrator, given an element. Arc lines are taken from a general list of NIST lines and can be filtered using the minimum relative intensity (note this may not be accurate due to instrumental effects such as detector response, dichroics, etc) and minimum line separation. Lines are filtered first by relative intensity, then by separation. This is to improve robustness in the case where there is a strong line very close to a weak line (which is within the separation limit). The vacuum to air wavelength conversion is deafult to False because observatories usually provide the line lists in the respective air wavelength, as the corrections from temperature and humidity are small. See Parameters ---------- elements: string or list of strings Chemical symbol, case insensitive min_atlas_wavelength: float (default: None) Minimum wavelength of the arc lines. max_atlas_wavelength: float (default: None) Maximum wavelength of the arc lines. min_intensity: float (default: None) Minimum intensity of the arc lines. Refer to NIST for the intensity. min_distance: float (default: None) Minimum separation between neighbouring arc lines. candidate_tolerance: float (default: 10) toleranceold (Angstroms) for considering a point to be an inlier during candidate peak/line selection. This should be reasonable small as we want to search for candidate points which are *locally* linear. constrain_poly: boolean Apply a polygonal constraint on possible peak/atlas pairs vacuum: boolean Set to True if the light path from the arc lamb to the detector plane is entirely in vacuum. pressure: float Pressure when the observation took place, in Pascal. If it is not known, we suggest you to assume 10% decrement per 1000 meter altitude. temperature: float Temperature when the observation took place, in Kelvin. relative_humidity: float In percentage. ''' if min_atlas_wavelength is None: min_atlas_wavelength = self.min_wavelength - self.range_tolerance if max_atlas_wavelength is None: max_atlas_wavelength = self.max_wavelength + self.range_tolerance if isinstance(elements, str): elements = [elements] for element in elements: atlas_elements_tmp, atlas_tmp, atlas_intensities_tmp =\ load_calibration_lines( element, min_atlas_wavelength, max_atlas_wavelength, min_intensity, min_distance, vacuum, pressure, temperature, relative_humidity) self.atlas_elements.extend(atlas_elements_tmp) self.atlas.extend(atlas_tmp) self.atlas_intensities.extend(atlas_intensities_tmp) # Create a list of all possible pairs of detected peaks and lines # from atlas self._generate_pairs(candidate_tolerance, constrain_poly)
[docs] def add_user_atlas(self, elements, wavelengths, intensities=None, candidate_tolerance=10., constrain_poly=False, vacuum=False, pressure=101325., temperature=273.15, relative_humidity=0.): ''' Add a single or list of arc lines. Each arc line should have an element label associated with it. It is recommended that you use a standard periodic table abbreviation (e.g. 'Hg'), but it makes no difference to the fitting process. The vacuum to air wavelength conversion is deafult to False because observatories usually provide the line lists in the respective air wavelength, as the corrections from temperature and humidity are small. See Parameters ---------- elements: list/str Elements (required). Preferably a standard (i.e. periodic table) name for convenience with built-in atlases wavelengths: list/float Wavelengths to add (Angstrom) intensities: list/float Relative line intensities (NIST value) candidate_tolerance: float (default: 15) toleranceold (Angstroms) for considering a point to be an inlier during candidate peak/line selection. This should be reasonable small as we want to search for candidate points which are *locally* linear. constrain_poly: boolean Apply a polygonal constraint on possible peak/atlas pairs vacuum: boolean Set to true to convert the input wavelength to air-wavelengths based on the given pressure, temperature and humidity. pressure: float Pressure when the observation took place, in Pascal. If it is not known, assume 10% decrement per 1000 meter altitude temperature: float Temperature when the observation took place, in Kelvin. relative_humidity: float In percentage. ''' if not isinstance(elements, list): elements = list(elements) if not isinstance(wavelengths, list): wavelengths = list(wavelengths) if intensities is None: intensities = [0] * len(wavelengths) else: if not isinstance(intensities, list): intensities = list(intensities) assert len(elements) == len(wavelengths), ValueError( 'Input elements and wavelengths have different length.') assert len(elements) == len(intensities), ValueError( 'Input elements and intensities have different length.') if vacuum: wavelengths = vacuum_to_air_wavelength(wavelengths, temperature, pressure, relative_humidity) self.atlas_elements.extend(elements) self.atlas.extend(wavelengths) self.atlas_intensities.extend(intensities) # Create a list of all possible pairs of detected peaks and lines # from atlas self._generate_pairs(candidate_tolerance, constrain_poly)
[docs] def remove_atlas_lines_range(self, wavelength, tolerance=10): ''' Remove arc lines within a certain wavelength range. Parameters ---------- wavelength: float Wavelength to remove (Angstrom) tolerance: float Tolerance around this wavelength where atlas lines will be removed ''' for i, line in enumerate(self.atlas): if abs(line - wavelength) < tolerance: removed_element = self.atlas_elements.pop(i) removed_peak = self.atlas.pop(i) self.atlas_intensities.pop(i)'Removed {} line: {} A'.format( removed_element, removed_peak))
[docs] def list_atlas(self): ''' List all the lines loaded to the Calibrator. ''' for i in range(len(self.atlas)): print('Element ' + str(self.atlas_elements[i]) + ' at ' + str(self.atlas[i]) + ' with intensity ' + str(self.atlas_intensities[i]))
[docs] def clear_atlas(self): ''' Remove all the lines loaded to the Calibrator. ''' self.atlas_elements = [] self.atlas = [] self.atlas_intensities = []
def do_hough_transform(self, brute_force=False): # Generate the hough_points from the pairs, self.max_slope, self.min_intercept, self.max_intercept) if brute_force:[:, 0], self.pairs[:, 1]) else:[:, 0], self.pairs[:, 1], num_slopes=self.num_slopes), self.ybins) self.hough_points = self.hough_lines =
[docs] def save_hough_transform(self, filename='hough_transform', fileformat='npy', delimiter='+', to_disk=True): ''' Save the HoughTransform object to memory or to disk. Parameters ---------- filename: str The filename of the output, not used if to_disk is False. It will be appended with the content type. format: str (default: 'npy') Choose from 'npy' and json' delimiter: str (default: '+') Delimiter for format and content types to_disk: boolean Set to True to save to disk, else return a numpy array object Returns ------- hp_hough_points: numpy.ndarray only return if to_disk is False. ''', fileformat=fileformat, delimiter=delimiter, to_disk=to_disk)
[docs] def load_hough_transform(self, filename='hough_transform', filetype='npy'): ''' Store the binned Hough space and/or the raw Hough pairs. Parameters ---------- filename: str (default: 'hough_transform') The filename of the output, not used if to_disk is False. It will be appended with the content type. filetype: str (default: 'npy') The file type of the saved hough transform. Choose from 'npy' and 'json'. ''', filetype=filetype)
[docs] def set_known_pairs(self, pix=(), wave=()): ''' Provide manual pixel-wavelength pair(s), they will be appended to the list of pixel-wavelength pairs after the random sample being drawn from the RANSAC step, i.e. they are ALWAYS PRESENT in the fitting step. Use with caution because it can skew or bias the fit significantly, make sure the pixel value is accurate to at least 1/10 of a pixel. We do not recommend supplying more than a coupld of known pairs unless you are very confident with the solution and intend to skew with the known pairs. This can be used for example for low intensity lines at the edge of the spectrum. Or saturated lines where peaks cannot be well positioned. Parameters ---------- pix: numeric value, list or numpy 1D array (N) (default: ()) Any pixel value, can be outside the detector chip and serve purely as anchor points. wave: numeric value, list or numpy 1D array (N) (default: ()) The matching wavelength for each of the pix. ''' pix = np.asarray(pix, dtype='float').reshape(-1) wave = np.asarray(wave, dtype='float').reshape(-1) assert pix.size == wave.size, ValueError( 'Please check the length of the input arrays. pix has size {} ' 'and wave has size {}.'.format(pix.size, wave.size)) if not all( isinstance(p, (float, int)) & (not np.isnan(p)) for p in pix): raise ValueError("All pix elements have to be numeric.") if not all( isinstance(w, (float, int)) & (not np.isnan(w)) for w in wave): raise ValueError("All wave elements have to be numeric.") self.pix_known = pix self.wave_known = wave
[docs] def fit(self, max_tries=500, fit_deg=4, fit_coeff=None, fit_tolerance=5., fit_type='poly', candidate_tolerance=2., brute_force=False, progress=True): ''' Solve for the wavelength calibration polynomial by getting the most likely solution with RANSAC. Parameters ---------- max_tries: int (default: 5000) Maximum number of iteration. fit_deg: int (default: 4) The degree of the polynomial to be fitted. fit_coeff: list (default: None) Set the baseline of the least square fit. If no fits outform this set of polynomial coefficients, this will be used as the best fit. fit_tolerance: float (default: 5.0) Sets a tolerance on whether a fit found by RANSAC is considered acceptable fit_type: string (default: 'poly') One of 'poly', 'legendre' or 'chebyshev' candidate_tolerance: float (default: 2.0) toleranceold (Angstroms) for considering a point to be an inlier brute_force: boolean (default: False) Set to True to try all possible combination in the given parameter space progress: boolean (default: True) True to show progress with tdqm. It is overrid if tdqm cannot be imported. Returns ------- fit_coeff: list List of best fit polynomial fit_coefficient. rms: float The root-mean-squared of the residuals residual: float Residual from the best fit peak_utilisation: float Fraction of detected peaks (pixel) used for calibration [0-1]. atlas_utilisation: float Fraction of supplied arc lines (wavelength) used for calibration [0-1]. ''' self.max_tries = max_tries self.fit_deg = fit_deg self.fit_coeff = fit_coeff self.fit_tolerance = fit_tolerance self.fit_type = fit_type self.brute_force = brute_force self.progress = progress if self.fit_type == 'poly': self.polyfit = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit self.polyval = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval elif self.fit_type == 'legendre': self.polyfit = np.polynomial.legendre.legfit self.polyval = np.polynomial.legendre.legval elif self.fit_type == 'chebyshev': self.polyfit = np.polynomial.chebyshev.chebfit self.polyval = np.polynomial.chebyshev.chebval else: raise ValueError( 'fit_type must be: (1) poly, (2) legendre or (3) chebyshev') # Reduce sample_size if it is larger than the number of atlas available if self.sample_size > len(self.atlas): self.logger.warning( 'Size of sample_size is larger than the size of atlas, ' + 'the sample_size is set to match the size of atlas = ' + str(len(self.atlas)) + '.') self.sample_size = len(self.atlas) if self.sample_size <= fit_deg: self.sample_size = fit_deg + 1 if (self.hough_lines is None) or (self.hough_points is None): self.do_hough_transform() if self.minimum_matches > len(self.atlas): self.logger.warning( 'Requested minimum matches is greater than the atlas size' + 'setting the minimum number of matches to equal the atlas' + 'size = ' + str(len(self.atlas)) + '.') self.minimum_matches = len(self.atlas) # TODO also check whether minimum peak utilisation is greater than # minimum matches. fit_coeff, rms, residual, n_inliers, valid =\ self._solve_candidate_ransac( fit_deg=self.fit_deg, fit_coeff=self.fit_coeff, max_tries=self.max_tries, candidate_tolerance=candidate_tolerance, brute_force=self.brute_force, progress=self.progress) peak_utilisation = n_inliers / len(self.peaks) atlas_utilisation = n_inliers / len(self.atlas) if not valid: self.logger.warning('Invalid fit') if rms > self.fit_tolerance: self.logger.warning('RMS too large {} > {}'.format( rms, self.fit_tolerance)) assert (fit_coeff is not None), 'Couldn\'t fit' self.fit_coeff = fit_coeff self.rms = rms self.residual = residual self.peak_utilisation = peak_utilisation self.atlas_utilisation = atlas_utilisation return (self.fit_coeff, self.matched_peaks, self.matched_atlas, self.rms, self.residual, self.peak_utilisation, self.atlas_utilisation)
[docs] def match_peaks(self, fit_coeff=None, n_delta=None, refine=False, tolerance=10., method='Nelder-Mead', convergence=1e-6, min_frac=0.5, robust_refit=True, fit_deg=None): ''' ** refine option is EXPERIMENTAL, use with caution ** Refine the polynomial fit fit_coefficients. Recommended to use in it multiple calls to first refine the lowest order and gradually increase the order of fit_coefficients to be included for refinement. This is be achieved by providing delta in the length matching the number of the lowest degrees to be refined. Set refine to True to improve on the polynomial solution. Set robust_refit to True to fit all the detected peaks with the given polynomial solution for a fit using maximal information, with the degree of polynomial = fit_deg. Set both refine and robust_refit to False will return the list of arc lines are well fitted by the current solution within the tolerance limit provided. Parameters ---------- fit_coeff: list (default: None) List of polynomial fit fit_coefficients. n_delta: int (default: None) The number of the lowest polynomial order to be adjusted refine: boolean (default: True) Set to True to refine solution. tolerance: float (default: 10.) Absolute difference between fit and model in the unit of nm. method: string (default: 'Nelder-Mead') scipy.optimize.minimize method. convergence: float (default: 1e-6) scipy.optimize.minimize tol. min_frac: float (default: 0.5) Minimum fractionof peaks to be refitted. robust_refit: boolean (default: True) Set to True to fit all the detected peaks with the given polynomial solution. fit_deg: int (default: length of the input fit_coefficients) Order of polynomial fit with all the detected peaks. Returns ------- fit_coeff: list List of best fit polynomial fit_coefficient. peak_match: numpy 1D array Matched peaks atlas_match: numpy 1D array Corresponding atlas matches rms: float The root-mean-squared of the residuals residual: numpy 1D array The difference (NOT absolute) between the data and the best-fit solution. * EXPERIMENTAL * peak_utilisation: float Fraction of detected peaks (pixel) used for calibration [0-1]. atlas_utilisation: float Fraction of supplied arc lines (wavelength) used for calibration [0-1]. ''' if fit_coeff is None: fit_coeff = self.fit_coeff.copy if fit_deg is None: fit_deg = len(fit_coeff) - 1 if refine: fit_coeff_new = fit_coeff.copy() if n_delta is None: n_delta = len(fit_coeff_new) - 1 # fit everything fitted_delta = minimize(self._adjust_polyfit, fit_coeff_new[:int(n_delta)] * 1e-3, args=(fit_coeff, tolerance, min_frac), method=method, tol=convergence, options={ 'maxiter': 10000 }).x for i, d in enumerate(fitted_delta): fit_coeff_new[i] += d if np.any(np.isnan(fit_coeff_new)): self.logger.warning('_adjust_polyfit() returns None. ' 'Input solution is returned.') return fit_coeff, None, None, None, None matched_peaks = [] matched_atlas = [] residuals = [] for p in self.peaks: x = self.polyval(p, fit_coeff) diff = self.atlas - x diff_abs = np.abs(diff) idx = np.argmin(diff_abs) if diff_abs[idx] < tolerance: matched_peaks.append(p) matched_atlas.append(self.atlas[idx]) residuals.append(diff[idx]) matched_peaks = np.array(matched_peaks) matched_atlas = np.array(matched_atlas) self.residuals = np.array(residuals) self.rms = np.sqrt(np.nansum(self.residuals**2.) / len(self.residuals)) self.peak_utilisation = len(matched_peaks) / len(self.peaks) self.atlas_utilisation = len(matched_peaks) / len(self.atlas) self.matched_peaks = matched_peaks self.matched_atlas = matched_atlas if robust_refit: self.fit_coeff = models.robust_polyfit(self.matched_peaks, self.matched_atlas, fit_deg) if np.any(np.isnan(self.fit_coeff)): self.logger.warning('robust_polyfit() returns None. ' 'Input solution is returned.') return (fit_coeff, self.matched_peaks, self.matched_atlas, self.rms, self.residuals, self.peak_utilisation, self.atlas_utilisation) else: self.residuals = self.matched_atlas - self.polyval( self.matched_peaks, self.fit_coeff) self.rms = np.sqrt( np.nansum(self.residuals**2.) / len(self.residuals)) else: self.fit_coeff = fit_coeff_new return (self.fit_coeff, self.matched_peaks, self.matched_atlas, self.rms, self.residuals, self.peak_utilisation, self.atlas_utilisation)
[docs] def get_pix_wave_pairs(self): ''' Return the list of matched_peaks and matched_atlas with their position in the array. Return ------ pw_pairs: list List of tuples each containing the array position, peak (pixel) and atlas (wavelength). ''' pw_pairs = [] for i, (p, w) in enumerate(zip(self.matched_peaks, self.matched_atlas)): pw_pairs.append((i, p, w)) "Position {}: pixel {} is matched to wavelength {}".format( i, p, w)) return pw_pairs
[docs] def add_pix_wave_pair(self, pix, wave): ''' Adding extra pixel-wavelength pair to the Calibrator for refitting. This DOES NOT work before the Calibrator having fit for a solution yet: use set_known_pairs() for that purpose. Parameters ---------- pix: float pixel position wave: float wavelength ''' arg = np.argwhere(pix > self.matched_peaks)[0] # Only update the lists if both can be inserted matched_peaks = np.insert(self.matched_peaks, arg, pix) matched_atlas = np.insert(self.matched_atlas, arg, wave) self.matched_peaks = matched_peaks self.matched_atlas = matched_atlas
[docs] def remove_pix_wave_pair(self, arg): ''' Remove fitted pixel-wavelength pair from the Calibrator for refitting. The positions can be found from get_pix_wave_pairs(). One at a time. Parameters ---------- arg: int The position of the pairs in the arrays. ''' # Only update the lists if both can be deleted matched_peaks = np.delete(self.matched_peaks, arg) matched_atlas = np.delete(self.matched_atlas, arg) self.matched_peaks = matched_peaks self.matched_atlas = matched_atlas
[docs] def manual_refit(self, matched_peaks=None, matched_atlas=None, degree=None, x0=None): ''' Perform a refinement of the matched peaks and atlas lines. This function takes lists of matched peaks and atlases, along with user-specified lists of lines to add/remove from the lists. Any given peaks or atlas lines to remove are selected within a user-specified tolerance, by default 1 pixel and 5 atlas Angstrom. The final set of matching peaks/lines is then matched using a robust polyfit of the desired degree. Optionally, an initial fit x0 can be provided to condition the optimiser. The parameters are identical in the format in the fit() and match_peaks() functions, however, with manual changes to the lists of peaks and atlas, peak_utilisation and atlas_utilisation are meaningless so this function does not return in the same format. Parameters ---------- matched_peaks: list List of matched peaks matched_atlas: list List of matched atlas lines degree: int Polynomial fit degree (Only used if x0 is None) x0: list Initial fit coefficients Returns ------- fit_coeff: list List of best fit polynomial coefficients matched_peaks: list List of matched peaks matched_atlas: list List of matched atlas lines rms: float The root-mean-squared of the residuals residuals: numpy 1D array Residual match error per-peak ''' if matched_peaks is None: matched_peaks = self.matched_peaks if matched_atlas is None: matched_atlas = self.matched_atlas if (x0 is None) and (degree is None): x0 = self.fit_coeff degree = len(x0) - 1 elif (x0 is not None) and (degree is None): assert isinstance(x0, list) degree = len(x0) - 1 elif (x0 is None) and (degree is not None): assert isinstance(degree, int) else: assert isinstance(x0, list) assert isinstance(degree, int) assert len(x0) == degree + 1 x = np.asarray(matched_peaks) y = np.asarray(matched_atlas) assert len(x) == len(y) assert len(x) > 0 assert degree > 0 assert degree <= len(x) - 1 # Run robust fitting again fit_coeff_new = models.robust_polyfit(x, y, degree, x0)"Input fit_coeff is {}.".format(x0))"Refit fit_coeff is {}.".format(fit_coeff_new)) self.fit_coeff = fit_coeff_new self.matched_peaks = matched_peaks self.matched_atlas = matched_atlas self.residuals = y - self.polyval(x, fit_coeff_new) self.rms = np.sqrt(np.nansum(self.residuals**2.) / len(self.residuals)) return (self.fit_coeff, self.matched_peaks, self.matched_atlas, self.rms, self.residuals)
[docs] def plot_arc(self, pixel_list=None, log_spectrum=False, save_fig=False, fig_type='png', filename=None, return_jsonstring=False, renderer='default', display=True): ''' Plots the 1D spectrum of the extracted arc. parameters ---------- pixel_list: array (default: None) pixel value of the of the spectrum, this is only needed if the spectrum spans multiple detector arrays. log_spectrum: boolean (default: False) Set to true to display the wavelength calibrated arc spectrum in logarithmic space. save_fig: boolean (default: False) Save an image if set to True. matplotlib uses the pyplot.save_fig() while the plotly uses the pio.write_html() or pio.write_image(). The support format types should be provided in fig_type. fig_type: string (default: 'png') Image type to be saved, choose from: jpg, png, svg, pdf and iframe. Delimiter is '+'. filename: string (default: None) Provide a filename or full path. If the extension is not provided it is defaulted to png. return_jsonstring: boolean (default: False) Set to True to return json strings if using plotly as the plotting library. renderer: string (default: 'default') Indicate the Plotly renderer. Nothing gets displayed if json is set to True. display: boolean (Default: False) Set to True to display disgnostic plot. Returns ------- Return json strings if using plotly as the plotting library and json is True. ''' if pixel_list is None: pixel_list = np.arange(len(self.spectrum)) if self.plot_with_matplotlib: plt.figure(figsize=(18, 5)) if self.spectrum is not None: if log_spectrum: plt.plot(pixel_list, np.log10(self.spectrum / self.spectrum.max()), label='Arc Spectrum') plt.vlines(self.peaks, -2, 0, label='Detected Peaks', color='C1') plt.ylabel("log(Normalised Count)") plt.ylim(-2, 0) else: plt.plot(pixel_list, self.spectrum / self.spectrum.max(), label='Arc Spectrum') plt.ylabel("Normalised Count") plt.vlines(self.peaks, 0, 1.05, label='Detected Peaks', color='C1') plt.title('Number of pixels: ' + str(self.spectrum.shape[0])) plt.xlim(0, self.spectrum.shape[0]) plt.legend() else: plt.xlim(0, max(self.peaks)) plt.xlabel("Pixel (Spectral Direction)") plt.grid() plt.tight_layout() if save_fig: fig_type = fig_type.split('+') if filename is None: filename_output = 'rascal_arc' else: filename_output = filename for t in fig_type: if t in ['jpg', 'png', 'svg', 'pdf']: plt.savefig(filename_output + '.' + t, format=t) if display: if self.plot_with_plotly: fig = go.Figure() if log_spectrum: # Plot all-pairs fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=list(pixel_list), y=list(np.log10(self.spectrum / self.spectrum.max())), mode='lines', name='Arc')) xmin = min(np.log10(self.spectrum / self.spectrum.max())) xmax = max(np.log10(self.spectrum / self.spectrum.max())) else: # Plot all-pairs fig.add_trace( go.Scatter(x=list(pixel_list), y=list(self.spectrum / self.spectrum.max()), mode='lines', name='Arc')) xmin = min(self.spectrum / self.spectrum.max()) xmax = max(self.spectrum / self.spectrum.max()) # Add vlines for i in self.peaks: fig.add_shape(type='line', xref='x', yref='y', x0=i, y0=0, x1=i, y1=1.05, line=dict( color=pio.templates["CN"].layout.colorway[1], width=1)) fig.update_layout(autosize=True, yaxis=dict(title='Normalised Count', range=[xmin, xmax], showgrid=True), xaxis=dict( title='Pixel', zeroline=False, range=[0., len(self.spectrum)], showgrid=True, ), hovermode='closest', showlegend=True, height=800, width=1000) fig.update_xaxes(showline=True, linewidth=1, linecolor='black', mirror=True) fig.update_yaxes(showline=True, linewidth=1, linecolor='black', mirror=True) if save_fig: fig_type = fig_type.split('+') if filename is None: filename_output = 'rascal_arc' else: filename_output = filename for t in fig_type: if t == 'iframe': pio.write_html(fig, filename_output + '.' + t) elif t in ['jpg', 'png', 'svg', 'pdf']: pio.write_image(fig, filename_output + '.' + t) if display: if renderer == 'default': else: if return_jsonstring: return fig.to_json()
[docs] def plot_search_space(self, fit_coeff=None, top_n_candidate=3, weighted=True, save_fig=False, fig_type='png', filename=None, return_jsonstring=False, renderer='default', display=True): ''' Plots the peak/arc line pairs that are considered as potential match candidates. If fit fit_coefficients are provided, the model solution will be overplotted. Parameters ---------- fit_coeff: list (default: None) List of best polynomial fit_coefficients top_n_candidate: int (default: 3) Top ranked lines to be fitted. weighted: (default: True) Draw sample based on the distance from the matched known wavelength of the atlas. save_fig: boolean (default: False) Save an image if set to True. matplotlib uses the pyplot.save_fig() while the plotly uses the pio.write_html() or pio.write_image(). The support format types should be provided in fig_type. fig_type: string (default: 'png') Image type to be saved, choose from: jpg, png, svg, pdf and iframe. Delimiter is '+'. filename: (default: None) The destination to save the image. return_jsonstring: (default: False) Set to True to save the plotly figure as json string. Ignored if matplotlib is used. renderer: (default: 'default') Set the rendered for the plotly display. Ignored if matplotlib is used. display: boolean (Default: False) Set to True to display disgnostic plot. Return ------ json object if json is True. ''' # Get top linear estimates and combine candidate_peak, candidate_arc = self._get_most_common_candidates( self.candidates, top_n_candidate=top_n_candidate, weighted=weighted) # Get the search space boundaries x = self.pixel_list m_1 = (self.max_wavelength - self.min_wavelength) / self.pixel_list.max() y_1 = m_1 * x + self.min_wavelength m_2 = (self.max_wavelength + self.range_tolerance - (self.min_wavelength + self.range_tolerance)) / self.pixel_list.max() y_2 = m_2 * x + self.min_wavelength + self.range_tolerance m_3 = (self.max_wavelength - self.range_tolerance - (self.min_wavelength - self.range_tolerance)) / self.pixel_list.max() y_3 = m_3 * x + (self.min_wavelength - self.range_tolerance) if self.plot_with_matplotlib: plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) # Plot all-pairs plt.scatter(*self.pairs.T, alpha=0.2, color='C0', label='All pairs') plt.scatter(self._merge_candidates(self.candidates)[:, 0], self._merge_candidates(self.candidates)[:, 1], alpha=0.2, color='C1', label='Candidate Pairs') # Tolerance region around the minimum wavelength plt.text(5, self.min_wavelength + 100, 'Min wavelength (user-supplied)') plt.hlines(self.min_wavelength, 0, self.pixel_list.max(), color='k') plt.hlines(self.min_wavelength + self.range_tolerance, 0, self.pixel_list.max(), linestyle='dashed', alpha=0.5, color='k') plt.hlines(self.min_wavelength - self.range_tolerance, 0, self.pixel_list.max(), linestyle='dashed', alpha=0.5, color='k') # Tolerance region around the maximum wavelength plt.text(5, self.max_wavelength + 100, 'Max wavelength (user-supplied)') plt.hlines(self.max_wavelength, 0, self.pixel_list.max(), color='k') plt.hlines(self.max_wavelength + self.range_tolerance, 0, self.pixel_list.max(), linestyle='dashed', alpha=0.5, color='k') plt.hlines(self.max_wavelength - self.range_tolerance, 0, self.pixel_list.max(), linestyle='dashed', alpha=0.5, color='k') # The line from (first pixel, minimum wavelength) to # (last pixel, maximum wavelength), and the two lines defining the # tolerance region. plt.plot(x, y_1, label='Linear Fit', color='C3') plt.plot(x, y_2, linestyle='dashed', label='Tolerance Region', color='C3') plt.plot(x, y_3, linestyle='dashed', color='C3') if fit_coeff is not None: plt.scatter(self.peaks, self.polyval(self.peaks, fit_coeff), color='C4', label='Solution') plt.scatter(candidate_peak, candidate_arc, color='C2', label='Best Candidate Pairs') plt.xlim(0, self.pixel_list.max()) plt.ylim(self.min_wavelength - self.range_tolerance, self.max_wavelength + self.range_tolerance) plt.xlabel('Pixel') plt.ylabel('Wavelength / A') plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.tight_layout() if save_fig: fig_type = fig_type.split('+') if filename is None: filename_output = 'rascal_hough_search_space' else: filename_output = filename for t in fig_type: if t in ['jpg', 'png', 'svg', 'pdf']: plt.savefig(filename_output + '.' + t, format=t) if display: elif self.plot_with_plotly: fig = go.Figure() # Plot all-pairs fig.add_trace( go.Scatter(x=self.pairs[:, 0], y=self.pairs[:, 1], mode='markers', name='All Pairs', marker=dict( color=pio.templates["CN"].layout.colorway[0], opacity=0.2))) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter(x=self._merge_candidates(self.candidates)[:, 0], y=self._merge_candidates(self.candidates)[:, 1], mode='markers', name='Candidate Pairs', marker=dict( color=pio.templates["CN"].layout.colorway[1], opacity=0.2))) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=candidate_peak, y=candidate_arc, mode='markers', name='Best Candidate Pairs', marker=dict(color=pio.templates["CN"].layout.colorway[2]))) # Tolerance region around the minimum wavelength fig.add_trace( go.Scatter(x=[0, self.pixel_list.max()], y=[self.min_wavelength, self.min_wavelength], name='Min/Maximum', mode='lines', line=dict(color='black'))) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter(x=[0, self.pixel_list.max()], y=[ self.min_wavelength + self.range_tolerance, self.min_wavelength + self.range_tolerance ], name='Tolerance Range', mode='lines', line=dict(color='black', dash='dash'))) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter(x=[0, self.pixel_list.max()], y=[ self.min_wavelength - self.range_tolerance, self.min_wavelength - self.range_tolerance ], showlegend=False, mode='lines', line=dict(color='black', dash='dash'))) # Tolerance region around the minimum wavelength fig.add_trace( go.Scatter(x=[0, self.pixel_list.max()], y=[self.max_wavelength, self.max_wavelength], showlegend=False, mode='lines', line=dict(color='black'))) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter(x=[0, self.pixel_list.max()], y=[ self.max_wavelength + self.range_tolerance, self.max_wavelength + self.range_tolerance ], showlegend=False, mode='lines', line=dict(color='black', dash='dash'))) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter(x=[0, self.pixel_list.max()], y=[ self.max_wavelength - self.range_tolerance, self.max_wavelength - self.range_tolerance ], showlegend=False, mode='lines', line=dict(color='black', dash='dash'))) # The line from (first pixel, minimum wavelength) to # (last pixel, maximum wavelength), and the two lines defining the # tolerance region. fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=x, y=y_1, mode='lines', name='Linear Fit', line=dict(color=pio.templates["CN"].layout.colorway[3]))) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter(x=x, y=y_2, mode='lines', name='Tolerance Region', line=dict( color=pio.templates["CN"].layout.colorway[3], dash='dashdot'))) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter(x=x, y=y_3, showlegend=False, mode='lines', line=dict( color=pio.templates["CN"].layout.colorway[3], dash='dashdot'))) if fit_coeff is not None: fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=self.peaks, y=self.polyval(self.peaks, fit_coeff), mode='markers', name='Solution', marker=dict( color=pio.templates["CN"].layout.colorway[4]))) # Layout, Title, Grid config fig.update_layout( autosize=True, yaxis=dict( title='Wavelength / A', range=[ self.min_wavelength - self.range_tolerance * 1.1, self.max_wavelength + self.range_tolerance * 1.1 ], showgrid=True), xaxis=dict( title='Pixel', zeroline=False, range=[0., self.pixel_list.max()], showgrid=True, ), hovermode='closest', showlegend=True, height=800, width=1000) fig.update_xaxes(showline=True, linewidth=1, linecolor='black', mirror=True) fig.update_yaxes(showline=True, linewidth=1, linecolor='black', mirror=True) if save_fig: fig_type = fig_type.split('+') if filename is None: filename_output = 'rascal_hough_search_space' else: filename_output = filename for t in fig_type: if t == 'iframe': pio.write_html(fig, filename_output + '.' + t) elif t in ['jpg', 'png', 'svg', 'pdf']: pio.write_image(fig, filename_output + '.' + t) if display: if renderer == 'default': else: if return_jsonstring: return fig.to_json()
[docs] def plot_fit(self, fit_coeff, spectrum=None, tolerance=5., plot_atlas=True, log_spectrum=False, save_fig=False, fig_type='png', filename=None, return_jsonstring=False, renderer='default', display=True): ''' Plots of the wavelength calibrated arc spectrum, the residual and the pixel-to-wavelength solution. Parameters ---------- fit_coeff: 1D numpy array or list Best fit polynomial fit_coefficients spectrum: 1D numpy array (N) Array of length N pixels tolerance: float (default: 5) Absolute difference between model and fitted wavelengths in unit of angstrom. plot_atlas: boolean (default: True) Display all the relavent lines available in the atlas library. log_spectrum: boolean (default: False) Display the arc in log-space if set to True. save_fig: boolean (default: False) Save an image if set to True. matplotlib uses the pyplot.save_fig() while the plotly uses the pio.write_html() or pio.write_image(). The support format types should be provided in fig_type. fig_type: string (default: 'png') Image type to be saved, choose from: jpg, png, svg, pdf and iframe. Delimiter is '+'. filename: string (default: None) Provide a filename or full path. If the extension is not provided it is defaulted to png. return_jsonstring: boolean (default: False) Set to True to return json strings if using plotly as the plotting library. renderer: string (default: 'default') Indicate the Plotly renderer. Nothing gets displayed if json is set to True. display: boolean (Default: False) Set to True to display disgnostic plot. Returns ------- Return json strings if using plotly as the plotting library and json is True. ''' if spectrum is None: try: spectrum = self.spectrum except Exception as e: self.logger.error(e) self.logger.error('Spectrum is not provided, it cannot be ' 'plotted.') if spectrum is not None: if log_spectrum: spectrum[spectrum < 0] = 1e-100 spectrum = np.log10(spectrum) vline_max = np.nanmax(spectrum) * 2.0 text_box_pos = 1.2 * max(spectrum) else: vline_max = np.nanmax(spectrum) * 1.2 text_box_pos = 0.8 * max(spectrum) else: vline_max = 1.0 text_box_pos = 0.5 wave = self.polyval(self.pixel_list, fit_coeff) if self.plot_with_matplotlib: fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(nrows=3, sharex=True, gridspec_kw={'hspace': 0.}, figsize=(15, 9)) fig.tight_layout() # Plot fitted spectrum if spectrum is not None: ax1.plot(wave, spectrum, label='Arc Spectrum') ax1.vlines(self.polyval(self.peaks, fit_coeff), np.array(spectrum)[self.pix_to_rawpix( self.peaks).astype('int')], vline_max, linestyles='dashed', colors='C1', label='Detected Peaks') # Plot the atlas if plot_atlas: # spec = SyntheticSpectrum( # fit, model_type='poly', degree=len(fit)-1) # x_locs = spec.get_pixels(self.atlas) ax1.vlines(self.atlas, 0, vline_max, colors='C2', label='Given Lines') fitted_peaks = [] fitted_diff = [] all_diff = [] first_one = True for p in self.peaks: x = self.polyval(p, fit_coeff) diff = self.atlas - x idx = np.argmin(np.abs(diff)) all_diff.append(diff[idx])'Peak at: {} A'.format(x)) if np.abs(diff[idx]) < tolerance: fitted_peaks.append(p) fitted_diff.append(diff[idx])'- matched to {} A'.format( self.atlas[idx])) if spectrum is not None: if first_one: ax1.vlines( self.polyval(p, fit_coeff), spectrum[self.pix_to_rawpix(p).astype('int')], vline_max, colors='C1', label='Fitted Peaks') first_one = False else: ax1.vlines( self.polyval(p, fit_coeff), spectrum[self.pix_to_rawpix(p).astype('int')], vline_max, colors='C1') ax1.text(x - 3, text_box_pos, s='{}:{:1.2f}'.format(self.atlas_elements[idx], self.atlas[idx]), rotation=90, bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=1)) rms = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.array(fitted_diff)**2.)) ax1.grid(linestyle=':') ax1.set_ylabel('Electron Count / e-') if spectrum is not None: if log_spectrum: ax1.set_ylim(0, vline_max) else: ax1.set_ylim(np.nanmin(spectrum), vline_max) ax1.legend(loc='center right') # Plot the residuals ax2.scatter(self.polyval(fitted_peaks, fit_coeff), fitted_diff, marker='+', color='C1') ax2.hlines(0, wave.min(), wave.max(), linestyles='dashed') ax2.hlines(rms, wave.min(), wave.max(), linestyles='dashed', color='k', label='RMS') ax2.hlines(-rms, wave.min(), wave.max(), linestyles='dashed', color='k') ax2.grid(linestyle=':') ax2.set_ylabel('Residual / A') ax2.legend() ''' ax2.text( min(wave) + np.ptp(wave) * 0.05, max(spectrum), 'RMS =' + str(rms)[:6] ) ''' # Plot the polynomial ax3.scatter(self.polyval(fitted_peaks, fit_coeff), fitted_peaks, marker='+', color='C1', label='Fitted Peaks') ax3.plot(wave, self.pixel_list, color='C2', label='Solution') ax3.grid(linestyle=':') ax3.set_xlabel('Wavelength / A') ax3.set_ylabel('Pixel') ax3.legend(loc='lower right') w_min = self.polyval(min(fitted_peaks), fit_coeff) w_max = self.polyval(max(fitted_peaks), fit_coeff) ax3.set_xlim(w_min * 0.95, w_max * 1.05) plt.tight_layout() if save_fig: fig_type = fig_type.split('+') if filename is None: filename_output = 'rascal_solution' else: filename_output = filename for t in fig_type: if t in ['jpg', 'png', 'svg', 'pdf']: plt.savefig(filename_output + '.' + t, format=t) if display: elif self.plot_with_plotly: fig = psp.make_subplots(rows=3, cols=1, shared_xaxes=True) # Top plot - arc spectrum and matched peaks if spectrum is not None: fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=wave, y=spectrum, mode='lines', name='Arc Spectrum'), row=3, col=1) spec_max = np.nanmax(spectrum) * 1.05 else: spec_max = 1.0 fitted_peaks = [] fitted_peaks_adu = [] fitted_diff = [] all_diff = [] for p in self.peaks: x = self.polyval(p, fit_coeff) # Add vlines fig.add_shape(type='line', row=3, col=1, x0=x, y0=0, x1=x, y1=spec_max, line=dict( color=pio.templates["CN"].layout.colorway[1], width=1)) diff = self.atlas - x idx = np.argmin(np.abs(diff)) all_diff.append(diff[idx])'Peak at: {} A'.format(x)) if np.abs(diff[idx]) < tolerance: fitted_peaks.append(p) if spectrum is not None: fitted_peaks_adu.append(spectrum[int( self.pix_to_rawpix(p))]) fitted_diff.append(diff[idx])'- matched to {} A'.format( self.atlas[idx])) x_fitted = self.polyval(fitted_peaks, fit_coeff) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=x_fitted, y=fitted_peaks_adu, mode='markers', marker=dict(color=pio.templates["CN"].layout.colorway[1]), showlegend=False), row=3, col=1) # Middle plot - Residual plot rms = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.array(fitted_diff)**2.)) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=x_fitted, y=fitted_diff, mode='markers', marker=dict(color=pio.templates["CN"].layout.colorway[1]), showlegend=False), row=2, col=1) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=[ self.polyval(min(fitted_peaks), fit_coeff) * 0.95, self.polyval(max(fitted_peaks), fit_coeff) * 1.05 ], y=[0, 0], mode='lines', line=dict(color=pio.templates["CN"].layout.colorway[0], dash='dash'), showlegend=False), row=2, col=1) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=[ self.polyval(min(fitted_peaks), fit_coeff) * 0.95, self.polyval(max(fitted_peaks), fit_coeff) * 1.05 ], y=[rms, rms], mode='lines', line=dict(color='black', dash='dash'), showlegend=False), row=2, col=1) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter(x=[wave.min(), wave.max()], y=[-rms, -rms], mode='lines', line=dict(color='black', dash='dash'), name='RMS'), row=2, col=1) # Bottom plot - Polynomial fit for Pixel to Wavelength fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=x_fitted, y=fitted_peaks, mode='markers', marker=dict(color=pio.templates["CN"].layout.colorway[1]), name='Fitted Peaks'), row=1, col=1) fig.add_trace(go.Scatter( x=wave, y=self.pixel_list, mode='lines', line=dict(color=pio.templates["CN"].layout.colorway[2]), name='Solution'), row=1, col=1) # Layout, Title, Grid config if spectrum is not None: if log_spectrum: fig.update_layout( yaxis3=dict(title='Electron Count / e-', range=[ np.log10(np.percentile(spectrum, 15)), np.log10(spec_max) ], domain=[0.666, 1.0], showgrid=True, type='log')) else: fig.update_layout(yaxis3=dict( title='Electron Count / e-', range=[np.percentile(spectrum, 15), spec_max], domain=[0.666, 1.0], showgrid=True)) fig.update_layout(autosize=True, yaxis2=dict( title='Residual / A', range=[min(fitted_diff), max(fitted_diff)], domain=[0.333, 0.666], showgrid=True), yaxis=dict(title='Pixel', range=[0., max(self.pixel_list)], domain=[0., 0.333], showgrid=True), xaxis=dict(showticklabels=True), xaxis2=dict(showticklabels=False), xaxis3=dict(showticklabels=False), hovermode='closest', showlegend=True, height=800, width=1000) fig.update_yaxes(showline=True, linewidth=1, linecolor='black', mirror=True) fig.update_xaxes(showline=True, linewidth=1, linecolor='black', mirror=True) fig.update_xaxes( title='Wavelength / A', zeroline=False, range=[ self.polyval(min(fitted_peaks), fit_coeff) * 0.95, self.polyval(max(fitted_peaks), fit_coeff) * 1.05 ], showgrid=True, row=1, col=1) if save_fig: fig_type = fig_type.split('+') if filename is None: filename_output = 'rascal_solution' else: filename_output = filename for t in fig_type: if t == 'iframe': pio.write_html(fig, filename_output + '.' + t) elif t in ['jpg', 'png', 'svg', 'pdf']: pio.write_image(fig, filename_output + '.' + t) if display: if renderer == 'default': else: if return_jsonstring: return fig.to_json() else: assert (self.matplotlib_imported), ( 'matplotlib package not available. ' + 'Plot cannot be generated.') assert ( self.plotly_imported), ('plotly package is not available. ' + 'Plot cannot be generated.')