Source code for rascal.houghtransform

import numpy as np
import json

[docs]class HoughTransform: ''' This handles the hough transform operations on the pixel-wavelength space. ''' def __init__(self): self.hough_points = None self.hough_lines = None self.hist = None self.xedges = None self.yedges = None self.min_slope = None self.max_slope = None self.min_intercept = None self.max_intercept = None
[docs] def set_constraints(self, min_slope, max_slope, min_intercept, max_intercept): ''' Define the minimum and maximum of the intercepts (wavelength) and gradients (wavelength/pixel) that Hough pairs will be generated. Parameters ---------- min_slope: int or float Minimum gradient for wavelength/pixel max_slope: int or float Maximum gradient for wavelength/pixel min_intercept: int/float Minimum interception point of the Hough line max_intercept: int/float Maximum interception point of the Hough line ''' assert np.isfinite( min_slope), 'min_slope has to be finite, %s is given ' % min_slope assert np.isfinite( max_slope), 'max_slope has to be finite, %s is given ' % max_slope assert np.isfinite( min_intercept ), 'min_intercept has to be finite, %s is given ' % min_intercept assert np.isfinite( max_intercept ), 'max_intercept has to be finite, %s is given ' % max_intercept self.min_slope = min_slope self.max_slope = max_slope self.min_intercept = min_intercept self.max_intercept = max_intercept
[docs] def generate_hough_points(self, x, y, num_slopes): ''' Calculate the Hough transform for a set of input points and returns the 2D Hough hough_points matrix. Parameters ---------- x: 1D numpy array The x-axis represents peaks (pixel). y: 1D numpy array The y-axis represents lines (wavelength). Vertical lines (i.e. infinite gradient) are not accommodated. num_slopes: int The number of slopes to be generated. ''' # Getting all the slopes slopes = np.linspace(self.min_slope, self.max_slope, num_slopes) # Computing all the intercepts and gradients intercepts = np.concatenate(y - np.outer(slopes, x)) gradients = np.concatenate(np.column_stack([slopes] * len(x))) # Apply boundaries mask = ((self.min_intercept <= intercepts) & (intercepts <= self.max_intercept)) intercepts = intercepts[mask] gradients = gradients[mask] # Create an array of Hough Points self.hough_points = np.column_stack((gradients, intercepts))
[docs] def generate_hough_points_brute_force(self, x, y): ''' Calculate the Hough transform for a set of input points and returns the 2D Hough hough_points matrix. Parameters ---------- x: 1D numpy array The x-axis represents peaks (pixel). y: 1D numpy array The y-axis represents lines (wavelength). Vertical lines (i.e. infinite gradient) are not accommodated. num_slopes: int The number of slopes to be generated. ''' idx_sort = np.argsort(x) x = x[idx_sort] y = y[idx_sort] gradients = [] intercepts = [] # For each point (x, y), computes the gradient and intercept for all # (X, Y) with positive gradients for i in range(len(x) - 1): gradient_tmp = (y[i + 1:] - y[i]) / (x[i + 1:] - x[i]) intercept_tmp = y[i + 1:] - gradient_tmp * x[i + 1:] gradients.append(gradient_tmp) intercepts.append(intercept_tmp) gradients = np.concatenate(gradients) intercepts = np.concatenate(intercepts) mask = ((gradients > self.min_slope) & (gradients < self.max_slope) & (intercepts > self.min_intercept) & (intercepts < self.max_intercept)) gradients = gradients[mask] intercepts = intercepts[mask] # Create an array of Hough Points self.hough_points = np.column_stack((gradients, intercepts))
[docs] def add_hough_points(self, hp): ''' Extending the Hough pairs with an externally supplied HoughTransform object. This can be useful if the arc lines are very concentrated in some wavelength ranges while nothing in available in another part. Parameters ---------- hp: numpy.ndarray with 2 columns or HoughTransform object An externally supplied HoughTransform object that contains hough_points. ''' if isinstance(hp, HoughTransform): points = hp.hough_points elif isinstance(hp, np.ndarray): points = hp else: raise TypeError('Unsupported type for extending hough points.') self.hough_points = np.vstack((self.hough_points, points))
[docs] def bin_hough_points(self, xbins, ybins): ''' Bin up data by using a 2D histogram method. Parameters ---------- xbins: int The number of bins in the pixel direction. ybins: int The number of bins in the wavelength direction. ''' assert self.hough_points is not None, 'Please load an hough_points or ' 'create an hough_points with hough_points() first.' self.hist, self.xedges, self.yedges = np.histogram2d( self.hough_points[:, 0], self.hough_points[:, 1], bins=(xbins, ybins)) # Get the line fit_coeffients from the promising bins in the # histogram self.hist_sorted_arg = np.dstack( np.unravel_index( np.argsort(self.hist.ravel())[::-1], self.hist.shape))[0] xbin_width = (self.xedges[1] - self.xedges[0]) / 2 ybin_width = (self.yedges[1] - self.yedges[0]) / 2 lines = [] for b in self.hist_sorted_arg: lines.append((self.xedges[b[0]] + xbin_width, self.yedges[b[1]] + ybin_width)) self.hough_lines = lines
[docs] def save(self, filename='hough_transform', fileformat='npy', delimiter='+', to_disk=True): ''' Store the binned Hough space and/or the raw Hough pairs. Parameters ---------- filename: str The filename of the output, not used if to_disk is False. It will be appended with the content type. format: str (default: 'npy') Choose from 'npy' and json' delimiter: str (default: '+') Delimiter for format and content types to_disk: boolean Set to True to save to disk, else return a numpy array object Returns ------- hp_hough_points: numpy.ndarray only return if to_disk is False. ''' fileformat_split = fileformat.split(delimiter) if 'npy' in fileformat_split: output_npy = [] output_npy.append(self.hough_points) output_npy.append(self.hist) output_npy.append(self.xedges) output_npy.append(self.yedges) output_npy.append([self.min_slope]) output_npy.append([self.max_slope]) output_npy.append([self.min_intercept]) output_npy.append([self.max_intercept]) if to_disk: + '.npy', output_npy) if 'json' in fileformat_split: output_json = {} output_json['hough_points'] = self.hough_points.tolist() output_json['hist'] = self.hist.tolist() output_json['xedges'] = self.xedges.tolist() output_json['yedges'] = self.yedges.tolist() output_json['min_slope'] = self.min_slope output_json['max_slope'] = self.max_slope output_json['min_intercept'] = self.min_intercept output_json['max_intercept'] = self.max_intercept if to_disk: with open(filename + '.json', 'w+') as f: json.dump(output_json, f) if not to_disk: if ('npy' in fileformat_split) and ('json' not in fileformat_split): return output_npy elif ('npy' not in fileformat_split) and ('json' in fileformat_split): return output_json elif ('npy' in fileformat_split) and ('json' in fileformat_split): return output_npy, output_json else: return None
[docs] def load(self, filename='hough_transform', filetype='npy'): ''' Store the binned Hough space and/or the raw Hough pairs. Parameters ---------- filename: str (default: 'hough_transform') The filename of the output, not used if to_disk is False. It will be appended with the content type. filetype: str (default: 'npy') The file type of the saved hough transform. Choose from 'npy' and 'json'. ''' if filetype == 'npy': if filename[-4:] != '.npy': filename += '.npy' input_npy = np.load(filename, allow_pickle=True) self.hough_points = input_npy[0] self.hist = input_npy[1].astype('float') self.xedges = input_npy[2].astype('float') self.yedges = input_npy[3].astype('float') self.min_slope = float(input_npy[4][0]) self.max_slope = float(input_npy[5][0]) self.min_intercept = float(input_npy[6][0]) self.max_intercept = float(input_npy[7][0]) elif filetype == 'json': if filename[-5:] != '.json': filename += '.json' input_json = json.load(open(filename)) self.hough_points = input_json['hough_points'] self.hist = np.array(input_json['hist']).astype('float') self.xedges = np.array(input_json['xedges']).astype('float') self.yedges = np.array(input_json['yedges']).astype('float') self.min_slope = float(input_json['min_slope']) self.max_slope = float(input_json['max_slope']) self.min_intercept = float(input_json['min_intercept']) self.max_intercept = float(input_json['max_intercept']) else: raise ValueError('Unknown filetype %s, it has to be npy or json' % filetype)