Source code for rascal.models

import scipy.optimize
import numpy as np
Model functions for spectral fitting

[docs]def polynomial(a, degree=3): """ Returns a lambda function which computes an nth order polynormal: f(x, a) = sum_i (a[degree-i] * x**i ) """ assert (len(a) == degree + 1) def poly(x): t = a[-1] for i in range(1, int(degree + 1)): t += a[int(degree - i)] * x**i return t return poly
def poly_cost_function(a, x, y, degree): f = polynomial(a, degree) return y - f(x)
[docs]def normalise_input(x, y): """ Transforms inputs to have unit variance """ x_scale = x.std() y_scale = y.std() x_norm = x / x_scale y_norm = y / y_scale return x_norm, y_norm
def robust_polyfit(x, y, degree=3, x0=None, bounds=None): x_n, y_n = normalise_input(x, y) # Need to normalise the fit function too if x0 is not None: for i in range(0, degree): x0[i] *= x.std()**i x0 /= y.std() else: x0 = np.ones(degree + 1) ''' if bounds is None: bounds = np.inf * np.ones(degree + 1) assert len(bounds) > 0 ''' res = scipy.optimize.least_squares(poly_cost_function, x0, args=(x_n, y_n, degree), loss='huber', diff_step=1e-5) p = res.x p *= y.std() # highest order first for i in range(0, degree): p[i] /= x.std()**(degree - i) return p[::-1] # What is this for? """ def pprint_coefficients(coeffs): expr = "{} ".format(round(coeffs[0], 3)) if len(coeffs) > 1: for i, c in enumerate(coeffs[1:]): if i == 0: expr += "+ {}*x".format(round(c, 3)) else: expr += "+ {}*x^{}".format(round(c, 3), i + 1) return expr """